Saturday, April 23, 2011

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Life? Life has a lot of surprises. It gives us many great things that helps us to be in our best but sometimes it brings the worst in us. When you deeply analyze what life is, it is just temporary and we will all depart it. But we should live our lives to the fullest for us to say that all the things that we have done in life have helped or benefited others, specially our love ones, and it had left a mark on people’s lives. But sometimes we will experience things that will test our hearts and minds that will enable us to think that we already want to die. There are a lot of things that we can learn from some of these experiences and when we learn from this things, we will see that there are many reasons for us to live and there are always a solution for every problem that we will have.

In life, there are times when we let ourselves be someone else that we are not. We try to be “someone” for us to be accepted by the people that surrounds us. I think that living like this will not help us to live freely because we live by what we think is right, even though it is wrong, and by what we think will make us be better even though it’s not. People like this will just have many problems, many circumstances in their lives that will just let them down, and other things that the wrong people that they are with will lead them. I think that we should live life our way and not by living what we know will make us popular. We should think that things will much work when we are free and not being stopped by the people that influences us to some thing that we do not truly want or desire.

Sometimes, we disappoint someone that is important to us but we still manage not to apologize and still think that we are right. We make mistakes that makes them mad at us. We should learn how to be sensitive enough for us to feel that we are already hurting others’ feelings. We should learn how to admit our own mistakes and not blaming others for it. I know that all of us don’t want to be hurt and to be disappointed, always think that if we ourselves don’t want to be hurt, we should not do that to others. Always think before doing somethings because we might hurt someone’s feelings.

Life is sometimes confusing. You cannot find the right exact things to solve the things that unable you to do something you desire or that will let you incapable of doing things the right way. Some people may not understand how hard your situation is and even if how hard you want to explain yourself to them they still cannot understand you. In one instance that when you have a friend that will ask you why are you not happy and how matter you want to tell them what you feel, you cannot find the exact words that will let them understand it and they still force you to say it even though you really can’t.

Life’s truly a journey. It will show us many things that will help us learn and it will let us experience its wonders. We should give importance to it and also the people that become a part of it so that we can tell ourselves that we lived our lives to the fullest and it also affected other’s lives somehow. Don’t just simply sit there and do nothing. Start to think of things that will benefit you and others as well.

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