Thursday, February 10, 2011

TweetThis Button

Some of the best moments in life:

falling in love
laughing until your stomach hurts
finding lots of mails from your friends on vacation
driving to a nice place
listening your favorite song on the radio
laying in bed and hearing the rain
getting out of the shower and feeling your warm towel
passing your final exam
receiving a call from someone you haven't seen in years
having a good conversation
finding money in jeans you didn't wear since last year
laughing about yourself
calls at midnight that last hours
laughing for no reason at all
hearing incoincidently that someone is saying something nice about you
waking up, and knowing that you can sleep for more hours
listening to that song that reminds you of that 'special person'
being part of a team
your first kiss
making new friends
feeling butterflies on your stomach every time you see that 'person'
spending quality time with your buddies
watching all your loved ones being happy
using the sweater of that special person, with their perfume still on it
having someone to say 'i love u' to
that someone says to you 'i love you'
a friend comes when you call, your best friend comes, even though you don't call...

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